Weekly Ritual

What is the weekly spellcast?

It is, simply stated, a simple witchy casting with a theme that is done on a weekly basis.


I realize that there are many in the witchy community that are not able to openly practice.
They are in the broom closet.
They do not have the space. They do not have the time.
They do not have the ingredients. Etc.
This is a small help to answer that.

This is something I complete for the Pagan community, NOT an event we do together.
For this, I am not asking for donations, I am actually openly saying no to them.
I cannot stress this enough, if someone contacts you and requests donations from our group claiming it goes for weekly ritual- they are lying.
All you do is ask to be a part of this and your name is added.
I will add you to any and all you would like to be a part of.
The dates, times, and ingredients vary each week.
The intent/ theme changes week by week (see the monthly schedules below).
Adding your name to the weekly community ritual is completely free
You are welcome to fill out our form HERE to be added.