Ways you can help us reach our goals

We do A LOT online.
When we first started, we were able to operate with a bit of low/ no cost avenues.
As we have grown, we have had to adjust to accommodate our growing community.
With these adjustments have come costs.
Our website subscription fee, Meetup fee, Zoom (to phase out of 40 minute calls)- and the list goes on.
If you wish to help contribute to the cost of our website, online tools, or any of the many things we do as a group- please speak directly to Sasha Davis.
Outside of that- you are welcome to look below to see how you can help support the classroom environment we are starting to grow :)

Donating to the Library

Donating to our classroom environment and to our growing community

We have so many hands on things that we would like to do as a group.
For that, we need a decent amount of classroom supplies.
This is not the Kleenex packs and colored pencils you are use to with the start of school terms.
This list is the “fun stuff”.
Though, if you wanted to donate some tissues- we would not mind that too. Sometimes tarot practice gets emotional.

We need specific herbs, candles, mortar and pestle sets, metal spoons, containers and cauldrons for spell class.
For divination class, we have many card options to choose from, but we want to get into other forms of divination as well. We will need the items for that.
For herb class, we want to start a garden and that presents its own unique donation opportunities. Also, herbs for spell work are always accepted <3

There are so many things we would like to do as a group.
And with some big dreams and wild magic, it is my belief- we will get there.

There are items on the wishlists that I have on loan to the library currently from my personal collection.
Those items are there because I want people to have access to them until I get them specifically for the library.

Thank you so much for your interest/ support <3
This would not be possible without you.